Weight-Loss Induced Diabetes Remission Linked to Substantial Reduction in Cardiovascular Disease Risk

 "New Research Reveals Cardiovascular Benefits of Type 2 Diabetes Remission"


A recent study, published in Diabetologia, sheds light on the impact of remission from type 2 diabetes on cardiovascular outcomes. Conducted by Professor Edward Gregg and his team at RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences in Dublin, Ireland, the research delves into the long-term consequences of remission and its correlation with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Study Background:

While previous trials have established that significant weight loss through lifestyle changes can reverse type 2 diabetes, this study takes a unique approach by examining the subsequent effects on cardiovascular health. The research focuses on participants from the Look AHEAD study, a comprehensive 12-year investigation comparing intensive lifestyle intervention (ILI) with diabetes support and education (DSE) for individuals with type 2 diabetes and overweight or obesity.

Key Findings:

The study's observational analysis of over 4,000 participants revealed compelling insights. Those who experienced any evidence of diabetes remission showcased a remarkable 40% lower rate of CVD and a 33% lower rate of CKD. The definition of remission in this context involved participants taking no diabetes medications and maintaining a glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) level below 6.5%.

Duration of Remission Matters:

Examining the duration of remission, the researchers found that participants with longer-term remission experienced the greatest risk reduction. Despite challenges in sustaining remission over the study's eight-year period, those achieving remission – even temporarily – demonstrated significantly lower rates of CKD and CVD.

Key Implications:

The study underscores the challenges of maintaining weight loss through lifestyle interventions, as the percentage of participants with current remission decreased over time. However, achieving any form of remission was associated with substantial cardiovascular benefits. Participants with shorter diabetes duration, lower starting HbA1c, and significant weight loss were more likely to experience remission.


In conclusion, the study suggests that post-baseline improvements in weight, fitness, HbA1c, and LDL cholesterol may explain the observed associations. Understanding the cardiovascular benefits of achieving diabetes remission opens avenues for optimizing treatment strategies and improving long-term outcomes for individuals with type 2 diabetes.

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